Izaberite pravi plan za vaše onlajn poslovanje

Plan is Humanless
Starter Pack

  For six month turnover up to €9,999

Ready to jumpstart your online store in less than 24 hours, we’ve got you covered!

Starter Pack
from 29 / month
Plan is Humanless
CC Pro

  For six month turnover up to €24,999

More functionalities for your online sales and business growth.

CC Pro
from 74 / month
+ eCOM Manager
CC Master

  For six month turnover up to €249,999

It’s time to switch to Pro mode - automate your operations and grow internationally.

CC Master
from 224 / month
Plan is Humanless
Baby Pack

  For six month turnover up to €9,999

Ready to jumpstart your online store in less than 24 hours, we’ve got you covered!

Baby Pack
from 14 / month

Billed annually (for the first year)

Plan is Humanless
Starter Pack

  For six month turnover up to €24,999

More functionalities for your online sales and business growth.

Starter Pack
from 33 / month

Billed annually (for the first year)

+ eCOM Manager
CC Pro

  For six month turnover up to €249,999

It’s time to switch to Pro mode - automate your operations and grow internationally.

CC Pro
from 83 / month

Billed annually (for the first year)

+ eCOM Manager
CC Master

  For six month turnover up to €499,999

More functionalities for your online sales and business growth.

CC Master
from 249 / month

Billed annually (for the first year)

Plan is Humanless
Baby Pack

  For six month turnover up to €9,999

Ready to jumpstart your online store in less than 24 hours, we’ve got you covered!

Baby Pack
from 19 / month
Plan is Humanless
Starter Pack

  For six month turnover up to €24,999

More functionalities for your online sales and business growth.

Starter Pack
from 39 / month
+ eCOM Manager
CC Pro

  For six month turnover up to €249,999

It’s time to switch to Pro mode - automate your operations and grow internationally.

CC Pro
from 99 / month
+ eCOM Manager
CC Master

  For six month turnover up to €499,999

More functionalities for your online sales and business growth.

CC Master
from 299 / month

*This price is per month without VAT

Baby Pack Starter Pack CC Pro CC Master
Products 100 2000 7500 Unlimited
Mobile Commerce
Free eCommerce Templates
Storage 1GB 3GB 15GB 25GB
Transaction fee 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 %
New orders
Out of stock
Total customers
Sales information
Abandoned orders
Top products
Top customers
Google analytics reports
Abondoned orders
CSV importer 100 2000 7500 10000
Magento importer
Multi variants per product
Digital products
Product options 5 10 Unlimited Unlimited
Product bundles Unlimited Unlimited
XML Import - products limit per task 100 1000 7500 25000
XML sync 100 2000 Unlimited Unlimited
Hidden products 50 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Category properties
Smart Collections 1 3 10 20
Customers limit Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Customer groups 3 100
Import customers
Export customers
Discount with promo code 3 5 Unlimited Unlimited
Label discount 3 5 Unlimited Unlimited
Global discounts 3 5 Unlimited Unlimited
Fixed discount 3 5 Unlimited Unlimited
Discount with multiple promo codes
Sales reports
Product reports
Payment reports
Customer reports
Add this - social sharing
Etsy 100 2000 Unlimited Unlimited
Zendesk Chat
Facebook Messenger Chat
Facebook comments
Login with Facebook
Login with Google
Google analytics
Google Tag Manager
Pazaruvaj.com 100 2000 7500 10000
Sravni.bg 100 2000 7500 10000
Facebook Dynamic Ads 100 2000 7500 10000
Shopmania.com 100 2000 7500 10000
ShopZilla.com 100 2000 7500 10000
Compari.ro 100 2000 7500 10000
Arukereso.hu 100 2000 7500 10000
Google Merchant Feed 100 2000 7500 10000
Instagram Feed
Yotpo Reviews
Retargeting 100 2000 7500 10000
Profitshare 100 2000 7500 10000
Colibri ERP 100 2000 Unlimited Unlimited
Facebook Chat Bot CloudIo
Google Ads 100 2000 7500 10000
Trendo.bg 100 2000 7500 10000
Mailchimp 100 2000 Unlimited Unlimited
Brick and mortar stores
Solytron 100 2000 Unlimited Unlimited
Asbis B2B IT4profit 100 500 500 1000
Fix-rate delivery
Auto sync payouts from courier providers 25 50 500 1000
Cash on delivery
Bank Wire Transfer
Virtual POS Borica
Virtual POS Fibank
Virtual POS UBB
Pay at store
UniCredit Consimer Financing
BNP Paribas Personal Finance
TBI Bank
Static pages
Choose template
Storefront builder
FAQ pages
Landing page builder 5 10 100 250
Blog categories
Blog articles
Blog comments
Manage Translations
Manage Files
Manage email notifications
Automatic Region Importer
Abandoned Cart Email Notifications 100 500 5000 10000
Manage store operators (moderators) 1 3 5 10
Brand removal option
Support via EMAIL
Total amount of orders (currency) Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Upsell 10 Unlimited
Free Hosting from CloudCart
Use your current domain name
Install your current SSL Certificate
Marketing Features
SEO Friendly code
Quantity discount 3 5 Unlimited Unlimited
Urgency Timers
Discount (buy X get Y) 3 5 Unlimited Unlimited
Cross-Sell 10 Unlimited
Facebook Pixel
Criteo 7500 10000
Microsoft Dynamic
Active Campaign
Constant Contact
Emag 100 2000 7500 10000
Algolia 100 2000 Unlimited Unlimited
ChannelSight 100 2000 7500 10000
Duplicate Product
Shopify Importer
OpenCart Importer
WooCommerce Importer
Brands Distribution 100 2000 Unlimited Unlimited
One-click waybill generation tool
Quick order
Fraud risk prevention in real time
UTM and Source tracking
Export Orders
Robots.txt modification
RSS feed settings modification
Meta data modification
301 redirect modification
Dynamic Sitemap.xml 100 2000 Unlimited Unlimited
301 automatic redirect import 100 2000 Unlimited Unlimited
Google Maps One-Click Geolocation
Google Autocomplete text suggestions
Pre-defined delivery & payment methods
GDPR Application & Documentation
Gensoft Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Microinvest Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Versus 100 2000 Unlimited Unlimited
Polycomp 100 500 500 1000
Workflow 100 2000 Unlimited Unlimited
Discount Banner 3 5 Unlimited Unlimited
Viber messages
Brands and Models
XML Import - task priority
XML Import - task interval
Glami 100 2000 7500 10000
XML Sync priority task
XML Sync - interval
Skroutz 100 2000 7500 10000
Also 100 50 50 1000
Also priority
Also interval
Cross Sells Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
XML feeds generator 1 1 2 3
XML feeds generator products 100 2000 7500 10000
Orders Monthly Revenue Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Facebook Conversions API (CAPI)
Marketing Suite - Subscribers 50 100 500 1000
Seo spinner
Seo spinner products Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Seo spinner categories Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Seo spinner vendors Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Variants in listing
Marketing Suite - Subscribers form (Pop-up Builder) 3 10 25
Gensoft - Update in 10 minutes
Support meetings
Copy info 1 1 1 3
Мachine translation 1 1 1 1
Copy products for language version 1
AI Products translation 1
CloudCart Reviews - Manual reviews
SMS messages
Web Push notifications Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Marketing Suite - Subscribers RFM Аnalytics
Discount code (PRO)
Discount codes generator PRO 5000 10000
Authorize payment
Analytics range limit in months 100 100 300 500
Import products from Vali Computers 5 5 100 250
Send Email
Cloudio AI 10000 20000 20000 20000
Viber self channel
Xml Import - active tasks 1 1 1 2
API Requests per minute 50 100 150
XML Sync - Active tasks Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Microinvest import 43200 43200 43200 43200
Pick and pack - Terminals 1 1 1 2
Number of Cart Rules 1 1 2 3
Number of Cart Rule Ranges 1 1 2 3
Number of conditions for Cart Rules 1 1 3 5
Number of action conditions at Cart Rule 1 1 1 2
XML Import - total imported products 100 2000 7500 100000
Personal Success Manager
Napravite sopstveni plan

Konsultujte naš tim stručnjaka za eTrgovinu po pitanju odabira najboljeg plana za potrebe vašeg poslovanja

CloudCart Startup

Pokrenite svoje novo onlajn poslovanje bez početne investicije. Dobijate 30 dana besplatnog probnog perioda, a nakon toga možete odabrati odgovarajući plan.

Stručna pomoć

Naš tim stručnjaka za eTrgovinu će vam pomoći da odaberete prave opcije za vaše poslovanje.

Poslovne konsultacije

Konsultujte se sa našim stručnjacima po pitanju izbora plana za vašu onlajn prodavnicu i dobijte odgovore na sva vaša pitanja.

Usluge stručnjaka

U našem eKomerc Ekosistemu možete pronaći sve relevantne usluge koje su potrebne vašem poslovanju.

Contact us

and Book a Free


You can leave us your contacts here and our representatives will call you to book your meeting appointment.

Često Postavljana Pitanja

Šta je CloudCart?

Otvorena SaaS platforma za eTrgovinu sa mnoštvom marketinških alata i unapred pripremljenih integracija koje va momogućavaju više prodaja.

Kako da platim?

Koristite CloudCart onlajn prodavnicu ili sajt za plaćanje mesečne, godišnje ili dvogodišnje pretplate za plan po svom izboru: Business, Enterprise ili Enterprise Plus, u zavisnosti od stepena i potreba vašeg poslovanja. Registrujte svoju bankovnu karticu na svoj trgovački nalog ili admin panel i plaćajte svoju pretplatu, usluge stručnjaka, dodatne aplikacije ili pakete koje koristite na platformi.

Da li postoji provizija za transakciju na CloudCart-u?

NECloudCart nema povezane provizije transakcije i/ili instalacije koje dolaze sa softverom za e-trgovinu, jer verujemo da vašem poslovanju nije potrebno još lica koja će doći po vašu zaradu. *Iako platforma sama po sebi ne stvara nikakve provizije transakcije, molimo imajte na umu da bilo koja metoda plaćanja, kupovine ili bilo koja aplikacija koju odlučite da koristite unutar prodavnice može doći sa dodatnim troškovima i/ili sopstvenim provizijama, zato to imajte na umu.

Na koliko se potpisuje ugovor?

NE postoje ugovori na CloudCart-u - nudimo vam samo mesečne i godišnje planove koji zavise od vašeg ličnog izbora i sklonosti. Možete pokrenuti i zaustaviti svoju onlajn prodavnicu po sopstvenom izboru.

Da li mogu da otkažem svoju CloudCart pretplatu i prodavnicu?

DA - ukoliko odlučite da CloudCart ne odgovara vašem poslovanju, možete otići u bilo kom trenutku.

Kako mogu da primam uplate svojih kupaca?

Lako - CloudCart nudi izbor raznih raznih metoda plaćanja koje će vam omogućiti primanje uplata vaših klijenata. Između ostalih možete birati PayPal, Creditna/Debitna kartica i Bankovni transfer.

Da li mogu da promenim svoj plan?

DA - možete promeniti svoj plan kada god budete hteli. Možete preći na viši ili niži plan pretplate za e-komerc platformu. Jedina nepogodnost je to što se ne možete vratiti na BESPLATNI Startap plan kada ga jednom prerastete.

Da li mogu da koristim CloudCart na jeziku po svom izboru?

DA - CloudCart tenutno podržava Engleski, Ruski, Nemački, Francuski, Grčki, Arapski i Bugarski. Ukoliko ne pronađete svoj jezik među ovima, lako možete prevesti interfejs svoje prodavnice unutar svog admin panela.

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